Madison + Logan

November 23, 2024 • Franklin, TX

Madison + Logan

November 23, 2024 • Franklin, TX

Wedding Party

Kyla Kennemer
Kyla Kennemer - MOH
Kyla and I are childhood best friends, who have been inseparable ever since. We were lucky enough to have grown up as neighbors, making it unbearable for our parents, showing up at each others houses whenever we found it convenient. Years later, we met Logan and she was blessed with a second best friend. We then went to Texas State together before adulthood set in. And have been blessed ever since to not only call her my best friend but family.
Mayli Skorupinski
Mayli Skorupinski - MOH
Mayli is my little sister, built in best friend, and sister in Christ. Fun fact- we were baptized the same day! From playing dress up as little girls to having her stand by me on my big day, I couldn't imagine my life without this one!
Makenna Skorupinski
Makenna Skorupinski - Bridesmaid
Makenna is my youngest little sister. I remember the day my parents brought her home and knew my life was changing for the better. I have been blessed enough to watch her grow up into a kind, free spirited, young woman.
Makayla Tourville
Makayla Tourville - Bridesmaid
Makayla and I met through cross country as teammates becoming best friends. We unfortunately moved to different towns, but oddly enough we were blessed to have moved to the same town three years later and work together!
Abigail Longoria
Abigail Longoria - Bridesmaid
Abigail and I went to high school together before moving on to different colleges, God brought her back into my life three years later, funny enough we applied to the same PTA program without even knowing it! Abi is one of those friend's you meet in your 20's and don't let go of!
Brittany Kenemmer
Brittany Kenemmer - Bridesmaid
Brittany has been like an older sister to me since I met her! Her family is my second family and took me in right away! I am lucky enough to still call her my family and love her two little boys like they're my own! I was honored to stand by her on her day and even more honored for her to stand by me on mine.
Peyton Presnal
Peyton Presnal - Best Man
Peyton and I are childhood best friends who met while playing t-ball. While growing up we found ourselves always on an adventure, whether it was driving around his pasture on the mule shooting cow patties(landmines) with shotguns or sneaking onto oil rigs at night, we were always having fun. We have gone through this crazy thing called life together and I could not be more thankful to have him by my side through all of it.
Gage Lipscomb
Gage Lipscomb - Groomsman
Gage is my little brother, my ultimate cornhole partner, someone I can always count on, and a friend for life. He hasn't been dealt the best hand in life, but I couldn't be more proud of his perseverance. I am honored to have him stand by my side on my big day.
Mason Skorupinski
Mason Skorupinski - Groomsman
Mason is my future wife's little brother and now my new little brother. Mason has welcomed me in with open arms from day one. From hiding out at all family events together, thanksgiving pool games, and getting lost in concert crowds, I am happy to have him here by my side.
Austin Canatella
Austin Canatella - Groomsman
Austin and I went to St. Joseph together, played baseball for as long I can remember, and was there the night I met Madison. To say the least, Austin has always been my ride or die and is partially the reason we're here today.
Logan Locke
Logan Locke - Groomsman
Logan, aka 'little logan' is a later in life best friend. We share the love of motorcycles, lake days, and a dang good time. Logan is always some one I can rely on for that last minute facebook market place find, a flipping deal, and advice. Couldn't imagine my day without my mini me!
Zach Gustavus
Zach Gustavus - Groomsman
Zach is a childhood friend, neighbor, and another big brother to me. From riding dirt bikes to old trucks, shooting airsoft guns to rifles, and drinking koolaid to cold beer; he is someone I can always call family and I am honored to have him stand by my side.